Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A whole lot of nothing!! and a blog face lift

Blogging???? whats that.....

It doesn't seem as if I would know!! My life is nuts, and the first thing that always gets cut is mommy free time! Which would include blogging, running, working out in general.

I know, I know, people have been telling me for five years that putting me first is the best thing I can do for all of us, but my me first always turns into a piece of pie and watching a little trash t.v. before I conk out for the evening.

I am trying I promise, I have dabbled a little with running since the last time I wrote something, however I will be deferring my Baltimore running Festival Half Marathon until next year. It was too much too soon for this post preggo mama. I did however sign up for the Suntrust Richmond 8k and look forward to running it with my DAD!! It will be a great comeback race.

I am trying to take things slow and easy, and also incorporate better eating habits as mine have seem to have gotten lost at some point! My incorporation also includes more blogging. I am pretty sure I have said this like three or four different times in the last couple of months...right??

Don't fret I have still been lurking around all of your lovely blogs as you are main source of inspiration for me :) I also won a prize from the fantastic people at Nathan's today!!! and tomorrow I will be back with a running skirt review!!

May you all have a happy hump day run!!


  1. It is hard to balance everything . . . transitioning to 3 was the hardest for me and it took a year before I felt like I got the hang of it! Have fun at Richmond. It sounds like a great race!

  2. welcome back. your going to rock that 8k.
