1. Family that races together stays together???? Last weekend after a stint at great wolf lodge we packed the car and drove an hour south to Virginia Beach. The little girls 5, 3, and 9 months were running their first race, the "Virginia is for lovers 1.4 mile run." To say the were stoked would be an understatement! They knew what they were doing at the packet pick up and the expo, they are getting great at finding all the free loot :) On Race morning they popped out of bed at 5:45 without a single fuss and put on their hot pink "running clothes" and their race numbers!!
Fully expecting them to run some, walk some, ride in the stroller some we loaded everyone and headed for the races.....my sweet babies ran the entire 1.4 miles!! (the 9 month old rode in daddy's arms) I was off running the 14k and was sad not to see them finish but still so proud! I had to immediately sign them up for their next race.
at the finish!
I firmly believe healthy habits as a family will prove to be long standing, in their lives we had a fantastic day followed up with a delish sushi lunch!
2. Handsome running- I don't if I had mentioned this but Handsome has been on the injury list for some time. His knee was causing intense amounts of pain on every run. After seeing Dr. A we were told it was a pronation problem.....after countless pairs of shoes (ohhh my wallet is still crying) nothing was working. Upon returning to Dr. A he was told to just stop running.......this is when we decided Dr.A clearly wasn't for us! Onto Dr. B who has been FANTASTIC....it had nothing to do with pronation as he mostly has a neutral gait, it had everything to do with hip strength! She gave him a few simple exercises reduced his mileage and IT'S WORKING!!! thank goodness after almost six months a simple little fix is working!! He is running pain free and is planning to race the 8k at Shamrock!! :)
3. Long runs- I never knew I had it in me!!! In the past I would sign up for a half, pick a plan do the first week and then quit. Not this time I am on week 9 of half training and I feel pretty dang awesome!! 10, 11, 12, 13.1 miles does not seem nearly as daunting as it once did. Not that I don't completely respect those miles, I just know I can finish them now :)
4. Adrenaline- If we could bottle this stuff we would be millionaires! I ran 9 miles two weeks ago and finished 1:46:46 last weekend I raced a 14k (8.7) miles finishing time 1:35:39 hello almost ten minutes!!! I was shocked, I felt wonderful the entire race! I hope this shows up on the day of Shamrock (my first 13.1)
5. Weight- I am Well on my way to that 50lb goal! I had plateaued for two weeks, and finally on Monday last week I saw another drop...this morning the scale was down 14.2 pounds and I need a new pair of jeans :) With a more zeroed in focus on what we are eating the weight loss is coming pretty easily so far....I hope it stays that way!!
Since that was one big brag fest.....hey it's my blog I'll brag if I want too... What are your spring race plans??? Any one going to be at Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach??? I know some tough chiks will be there, my kids are doing the kid dash, Handsome the 8k and my dad and I 13.1.......would love to meet other bloggers if your going to be there, I will also be doing the Charlottesville half on April 7th...let me know where your racing!! and how your goals are going!! Happy presidents day!